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Wisconsin Safety Council Celebrates Week 4 of Safety Month

MADISON – Wisconsin Safety Council – the state’s leading provider of safety training and products – is celebrating Week 4 (June 24-28) of Safety Month, which highlights the risks of impairment. Impairment risks are everyone’s responsibility and impairment of any kind can be a barrier to safety.

To increase awareness of how you or others around you may be impaired, the Safety Council produced a short video, featuring Senior Safety Manager Kady Olson, that explains the risks of impairment and the importance of being aware of your workplace’s policies on impairment. That video and others can be viewed here.

Impairment can include, but is not limited to, the below list:

  • Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Sleep deprivation or missing even a few hours of sleep
  • Taking prescription medications that could have potential side effects
  • Emotional impairment such as stress or anxiety

“Impairment is something that seems to be more common than before. With the rise of opioid prescriptions, it is important to recognize the risk factors associated with them,” said Kady Olson.

Wisconsin Safety Council offers courses to learn about impairment and how to recognize the risk factors associated with it. Click here to view the Safety Council’s course calendar. To learn more about Safety Month, visit and follow Wisconsin Safety Council on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.




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