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WMC’s Manley on Government Overreach Lawsuit in Eureka

The Town of Eureka (Polk County, Wisconsin) enacted an ordinance that unfairly restricts large animal farms, or CAFOs. WMC Litigation Center recently filed a lawsuit against the town on behalf of two local taxpayers, claiming that the ordinance is unlawful and directly contradicts state law. WMC’s Scott Manley joined Meg Ellefson to discuss the suit and the impact of local governments implementing burdensome and unnecessary regulation on Wisconsin’s farmers.

“If we allow local governments like the town of Eureka to violate the law, we’re going to endanger and potentially kill, a vital aspect of our state’s economy,” shared Manley. “These farms already have a mountain of regulations.”

Ellefson and Manley also discussed the importance of local government participation and engagement, encouraging listeners to protect their freedoms and liberties.
