
Wisconsin Business World Launches Business is a Force for Good Essay Contest
In honor of Manufacturing Month the Essay Contest Theme is ‘Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin’ MADISON – Wisconsin Business World – a program of WMC Foundation

Bill Tracking – Education – 2011-12 Legislative Session
Legislative Bill Tracking Report: Education Chris Reader, Director of Health & Human Resources Policy Bill Number/Author Summary/Status WMC Position AB 447 /SB 335 – authorizing

Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Education & Workforce Preparedness
Despite recent trends in above-average levels of unemployment, thousands of jobs remain unfilled. Employers are struggling to find qualified, skilled workers to fill high-wage positions.
Apprenticeship Tax Credit
WMC supports the passage of Senate Bill 448 and Assembly Bill 587, relating to income and franchise tax credits to employers who offer apprenticeships. WMC
Technical Diploma Bill
WMC supports the passage of Senate Bill 335 and Assembly Bill 447, relating to authorizing a school board to grant a technical diploma. Rep. Mark
Improve Education and Training
Legislative Agenda A world-class education system from kindergarten to college, or technical school, is essential if Wisconsin business and industry is to remain competitive in