Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Environment & Energy
Wisconsin employers face an increasingly costly environmental regulatory climate. Many environmental regulations in Wisconsin are more stringent than what is necessary to protect the environment,
Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Transportation & Infrastructure
Wisconsin’s transportation infrastructure is challenged by growing demands for use of the system, inadequate federal funding, and state funding having been siphoned away in the

Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Education & Workforce Preparedness
Despite recent trends in above-average levels of unemployment, thousands of jobs remain unfilled. Employers are struggling to find qualified, skilled workers to fill high-wage positions.
Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Civil Justice & Legal Reform
For many years, Wisconsin businesses faced growing litigation costs due to an unfavorable legal climate. The higher costs from litigation hurt our overall competitiveness, and
Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Regulatory Reform
Businesses have consistently cited Wisconsin’s costly and onerous regulatory climate as a key factor inhibiting economic growth. In a survey of Wisconsin businesses, 97 percent
Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Taxes & Government Spending
Unfortunately, Wisconsin has consistently ranked among the top 10 highest-taxed states in the nation. High taxes create a competitive disadvantage for Wisconsin employers by increasing
Wanted: Environmental Success Stories
WMC is accepting nominations for the 25th annual Business Friend of the Environment Awards, honoring companies that have made significant improvements in the areas of
Support for SJR 4
A safe and reliable transportation system is necessary for the ability of Wisconsin businesses to remain competitive. Businesses rely on good roads to receive raw
Support for AJR 2
A safe and reliable transportation system is necessary for the ability of Wisconsin businesses to remain competitive. Businesses rely on good roads to receive raw
Limiting Phantom Damages – Co-Sponsorship of LRB-0986
LRB-0986 would limit “phantom damages” awarded to plaintiffs and their attorneys in personal injury cases by allowing the jury to see all the evidence of