Dec 1, 2011 – WMC Transportation Committee Meeting
AGENDA 9 a.m. Call to Order Introductions – Jason Culotta, WMCDirector of Tax and Transportation Policy 9:05 a.m. Discussion Topics: ·Legislation enacted at the Freight
Insight: A Tale of Two Presidents — Mr. Lincoln or Mr. Nixon
“In this and like communities, public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed. Consequently, he who molds public
Insight: Animal House
The 2010 mid-term elections are coming down to the finish line. Nationally, it appears increasingly likely that Republicans will gain enough seats to become the
Stop Costly Regulations, WMC Tells Federal Agency Head
MADISON – The state’s largest business and industry advocate has a message for the head of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when she visits
WMC Hails Bi-Partisan Cooperation on Mine Near Hurley
MADISON – WMC hailed a strong showing of bi-partisan support for opening a new mine near Hurley as the Iron County Democrat and Republican parties
Wisconsin owes U.S. $1.18 billion on unemployment borrowing
The state of Wisconsin still owes the federal government a whopping $1.18 billion it borrowed to pay unemployment benefits to the jobless. Despite the fragile
WMC, Business Groups Sue EPA Over Cross State Air Pollution Rule
MADISON – WMC and a coalition of business groups is asking a federal court to suspend new rules from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council bills
Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council bills that were introduced in the legislature this week
Wisconsin Residents Overwhelmingly Back Keystone Pipeline
MADISON – Faced with mounting energy costs, Wisconsin residents overwhelmingly support an oil pipeline from Canada to the United States, and WMC has delivered nearly
WMC Hails Creation of Senate Select Committee on Mining Jobs
MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Thursday lauded the creation of the Senate Select Committee on Mining Jobs as the first step towards opening the