Regulatory Reform
Regulatory Reform

WMC Submits Comments to SEC in Opposition to Climate Disclosure Rule
WMC submitted comments in opposition to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed climate disclosure rule. This rule would impose burdensome new reporting requirements

WMC Joins U.S. Chamber in Opposing Legislation that Would Rewrite America’s Antitrust Laws
WMC joined the U.S. Chamber and local chambers from across the nation in opposing recent legislation that would fundamentally rewrite America’s antitrust laws to protect

WMC Calls on Congress to Pass clean Prescription Drug User Fee Act
In a letter to Wisconsin U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, WMC and other organizations, urged Congress to pass a clean Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA

WMC Submits Comments on Groundwater Monitoring Requirements
WMC, Wisconsin Dairy Alliance (WDA), and Venture Dairy Cooperative (VDC) submitted comments requesting changes to permit requirements for Gordondale Farms Inc., a dairy farm in

WMC Submits Comments in Support of Wisconsin’s Business Court Pilot
WMC submitted comments to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in support of extending Wisconsin’s commercial (business court) docket pilot project in order to ensure that Wisconsin

Scott Manley on the Court Ruling in WMC v. DNR
WAUSAU- WMC’s Scott Manley joined Meg Ellefson on WSAU to discuss the final court ruling in WMC v. DNR. “We govern by the consent of

WMC Joins National Association of Manufacturers in Urging Congress to Pass the SHOP SAFE ACT and the INFORM CONSUMERS ACT
Congress is working to finalize China competition legislation and manufacturing and business leaders from across the country are urging Congress to include the SHOP SAFE

WMC Testifies to Assembly Special Committee on Trade and Supply Chain on Solutions to Supply Chain Issues
WMC Executive Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley, testified to the Assembly Special Committee on Trade and Supply Chain on solutions to Wisconsin’s supply

WMC Submits Comments to DNR on Management and Disposal of Certain Contaminated Soils
WMC submitted comments highlighting concerns with RR-060, a DNR guidance document that pertains to the management and disposal of certain contaminated soils. In the submission, WMC

Legislation to Support Environmental Remediation Efforts Signed into Law
Legislation to help environmental remediation efforts has been signed into law. The proposal Senate Bill 518 will help foster redevelopment of blighted properties by expanding