Taxes & Spending
Taxes & Spending
Eliminate the Economic Development Surcharge for Pass-Through Entities
The 2013-15 state budget eliminates the economic development surcharge for farms, partnerships, and individuals beginning in 2013. The economic development surcharge is applied to businesses
Venue of Tax Appeals
Previous Wisconsin law allowed appeals to decisions of the Tax Appeals Commission regarding income and franchise tax or the real estate transfer fee can be
WMC Praises Pro-Growth, Tax-Cutting State Budget Passed by JFC
Lower Taxes A Top Priority for Wisconsin Businesses MADISON – Wisconsin’s job outlook will improve with nearly $1 billion in lower individual and business taxes
Wisconsin Plan Cuts Rates, Broadens Bases, Improves State Business Tax Climate Ranking
Wisconsin Representative Dale Kooyenga today introduced a bill that reforms a host of elements of Wisconsin’s tax code that would improve the state’s ranking in
Support for the Prior Audit Determination Provision in the 2013-15 State Budget – memo to legislators
A recent article in the Wisconsin State Journal (“Fine print in Scott Walker’s tax proposals draws criticism,” WSJ Mar. 3, 2013), inaccurately describes a proposal
Bill Tracking – Taxes – 2011-12 Legislative Session
Jason Culotta, Director of Tax & Transportation Policy Bill Number/Author Summary/Status WMC Position AB 1 /SB 5 – Jobs Now Tax Credit
Legislative Agenda 2013-14: Taxes & Government Spending
Unfortunately, Wisconsin has consistently ranked among the top 10 highest-taxed states in the nation. High taxes create a competitive disadvantage for Wisconsin employers by increasing
What the “Fiscal Cliff” Package Means for Wisconsin Business
Congress approved a fix to the “fiscal cliff” over the New Year’s holiday that was a long time coming but in the end swiftly developed
Wisconsin is Ripe for Income Tax Reform
Wisconsin has made significant progress in improving our state’s business climate and getting our fiscal house in order, but some major areas of public policy
Looming Federal Tax Increases
At the end of this year, a number of federal tax changes will lead to a much greater tax burden for American taxpayers and businesses.