Episode 49: Income Tax Reform | Brakebush Brothers, Inc. With the eighth highest individual income tax rate in the country – and one of the worst in the Midwest – Wisconsin is falling
Episode 47: Manufacturing & Agriculture Tax Credit | I-K-I Manufacturing, Co.
MADISON – WMC’s newest Two Minute Drill, released ahead of a series of Joint Finance Committee hearings, supports Wisconsin’s Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit (MAC).
Episode 44: Workforce & Health Care Costs top two issues facing Wisconsin’s economy are one, the workforce shortage and two, the high cost of health care. We need to have a
Episode 33: Worker’s Compensation Reform MADISON – One day after launching the Worker’s Compensation Employers Coalition, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) released a short video detailing the high costs
Episode 27: 34,000 Manufacturing Jobs Created After Tax Credit Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit will fully phase in this year, nearly eliminating the state income tax liability for those industries. Experts say the
Episode 26: Right to Work Reinstated A Wisconsin appeals court has reversed the Dane County judge who struck down the Right to Work law in April. Now the law is
Episode 25: Right Back in court – The Right to Work update This month a Dane County judge struck down a portion of the state’s year-old Right to Work law. Now Attorney General Brad Schimel and
Episode 10: Right to Work under attack! opposition from employers and Congress, President Obama’s appointees on the NLRB are pressing forward with measures meant to strengthen labor unions. These pro-union appointees
Episode 6: Repealing paperwork, not the weekend Recent headlines would have you believe the state is trying to steal your days off. In reality, legislators are trying to make sure some
Episode 2: Right to Work rallies fade, myths busted in Assembly Scott Manley takes you inside the Assembly hearing on the bill, where WMC and others sort out the facts about worker training and free