WMC In the News
WMC In the News
Education & Workforce: Why Aren’t Students Better Prepared?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38d7-i1DBlM Recent Wisconsin Employer Surveys from WMC have shown the majority of businesses are frustrated with how educationally unprepared the workforce is to meet basic
Wisconsin Businesses Fighting for Competitive Tax Climate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1IF1_Hj5-QA new presidential administration is promising major overhaul to immigration, tax, and energy policy. Scott Manley joined WTMJ on Wednesday to discuss the impact of
WMC’s Manley Warns of Tax Increases Without Act 10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utVwj6TQs3s After a Dane County judge ruled to repeal portions of Act 10, WMC’s Scott Manley joined Vicki McKenna on WIBA to discuss the impact
WMC Opposes Act 10 Repeal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SLKfBXJdkMOn Monday, a Dane County judge overturned portions of Wisconsin’s Act 10 law, which helped balance the state budget by limiting collective bargaining rights. The
Pewaukee Taxpayers Charged Illegal Taxes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbp8BlIZxhQ The Village of Pewaukee is in hot water for continuing to impose its transportation tax even after the Wisconsin Court of Appeals struck it
Wisconsin Defense Industry Council aims to narrow the gap in defense spending
WMC’s Vice President of Marketing & Communications Nick Novak joined Jason Fechner on Spectrum News’ In Focus program to discuss a new group seeking to
Wisconsin Celebrates its Manufacturers with Manufacturing Month and Coolest Contest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbkJOcLjtOg As Wisconsin celebrates Manufacturing Month, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) is hosting its annual Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin contest. WMC’s goal is to
Vote for the “Coolest” Wisconsin-made Product in WMC’s Annual Contest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaoFrnteiZI Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce is again hosting its “Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin” contest. This year, 130 products are competing for the title. The
Trump visit brings Wisconsin business needs front and center
Just down the street from Dane Manufacturing where former President Donald Trump spoke in Waunakee, delivering his thoughts on the current state of the economy,
High Health Care Costs Hurting Wisconsin Businesses
WMC’s latest Wisconsin Employer Survey found that high health care costs in the state are detrimental to Wisconsin businesses. “Wisconsin has the fifth highest hospital costs in