WMC In the News
WMC In the News

Employers trying to adapt, combat Wisconsin’s shrinking workforce
WMC Foundation’s new report, Wisconsin’s Demographic Dilemma, finds that Wisconsin’s aging population is contributing to the workforce shortage. The state’s population is also dropping, exacerbating

New Report Shows Wisconsin’s Population Decline Impacting Workforce
WMC Senior Director of Workforce, Education & Employment Policy Rachel Ver Velde joined Matt Kittle on the Vicki McKenna Show to discuss the findings of

Nick Novak Discusses Findings of Wisconsin’s Demographic Dilemma Report
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2pjeU5Pl6U A new report from WMC Foundation highlights Wisconsin’s aging workforce. WMC is calling on lawmakers to make the state more economically competitive and attractive

WMC Foundation’s New Poll Shows Bipartisan Support for School Choice
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYIZo5ty06k Meg Ellefson interviewed WMC’s Senior Director of Workforce, Education & Employment Policy Rachel Ver Velde about the findings of WMC Foundation’s latest Education Reform

New Poll Shows Support for Equity in School Funding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITQ0EFarXCs WMC’s Senior Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley joined Jay Weber to discuss WMC Foundation’s new poll, which showed support for equity in

WMC’s Scott Manley Discusses School Choice & Education Reform
WMC’s Executive Vice President of Government Relations joined Vicki McKenna to discuss the findings of WMC Foundation’s education reform poll. The poll found bipartisan support

WMC Pushes for Tax, Education and Workforce Reform in State Budget
WMC’s Senior Director of Workforce, Education & Employment Policy Rachel Ver Velde joined Tracy Johnson on the Steve Scaffidi show to discuss the Governor’s budget

Scott Manley on Budget Priorities, Joint Finance Committee Work
WMC’s Executive Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley joined Meg Ellefson to discuss Tony Evers’ budget proposals and WMC’s policy priorities. “Evers’ budget would

The National Impact of Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Race
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqxj65d-tQ4 With just over a week until Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election, WMC’s Executive Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley joins Guy Benson on FOX

Gov. Tommy Thompson backs Workforce Referedum in WMC Webinar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVdGCHASQzc Less than two weeks away from the April 4 election, WMC hosted a webinar with former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson to discuss the workforce