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Moving Wisconsin Forward with Governor Walker

WMC is pleased with the outcome to the recall election and we congratulate Governor Walker.
Wisconsin must now turn the page on an unpleasant chapter in our state’s history and begin to heal. The year-and-a-half long recall saga has created uncertainty, instability and – worst of all – incivility. The recalls divided families, co-workers and neighbors. They were also massively expensive, cost the state jobs and damaged Wisconsin’s reputation.
But now it is time to unite around the common goal of job creation.
Thanks to Governor Walker, Wisconsin now has a competitive advantage over states that didn’t make the same tough, but necessary choices to balance the budget by reigning in unsustainable government spending and by enacting important pro-job reforms.
Second only to the jobs issue, Wisconsin must reform our recall law in order to prevent this kind of chaos in the future. Perpetual campaigning creates a toxic political environment that makes our state all but ungovernable. We need a return to normalcy where politicians are allowed to complete the term they were duly elected to serve.
WMC remains focused on creating a climate that will help Wisconsin employers create jobs. View our legislative agenda.




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