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WMC Announces 76 “Working for Wisconsin Award” Winners

MADISON – In Wisconsin, 76 legislators consistently stood up for jobs in the most recent legislative session, voting for tax cuts, regulation relief, lawsuit reform and other pro-growth policies, Wisconsin Manufacturer’s & Commerce announced today.
WMC, the state’s chamber of commerce, will present those lawmakers with the prestigious “Working for Wisconsin” award for supporting the pro-jobs position on at least 80 percent of pro-job votes in the Legislature. WMC has released “How They Voted,” a legislative scorecard for pro-business votes in the 2013-2014 legislative session.
“Wisconsin is in the midst of an economic renewal as we should all thank the lawmakers who courageously voted for job creation,” said Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO.
In total, 69 award-winning lawmakers had 100 percent voting records on the WMC scorecard, said Scott Manley, WMC Vice President of Government Relations. WMC’s public policy team analyzes the key votes affecting industry to create the scorecard. The analysis is based solely on the actual voting records, irrespective of partisan affiliation.
“These lawmakers are visionary pioneers for economic growth,” Manley said. “They stood up for mining reform so our state can have high-wage jobs. They cut over $1 billion in taxes, cut red tape, and clamped down on frivolous lawsuits. Wisconsin will be a better place for our children and our grandchildren because of their work to pass pro-growth policies into law.”
Wisconsin has witnessed back-to-back historic legislative sessions for job creation over the past four years, under the leadership of Governor Scott Walker. Walker has signed every pro-growth bill that has reached his desk, and has taken a leadership role driving pro-growth reforms.
“It wasn’t that long ago that the Legislature and governor had taken a turn for the worse – raising taxes, expanding regulations, and increasing liability for employers,” Manley said. “Thankfully, those days are over and we can witness a renaissance of job creation.”
Related Material:
WMC scorecard
2014 WMC Working for Wisconsin Award Winners (complete list)
For Further Information Contact:
Jim Pugh, (608) 258-3400





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