WMC Part of Lawsuit Before the US Supreme Court
MADISON – A ruling today by the U.S. Supreme Court reigning in federal EPA greenhouse gas permitting is a victory for Wisconsin businesses and workers, a Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce environmental policy expert said today.
WMC, Wisconsin’s Chamber of Commerce, was a participant in the litigation and had urged the US Supreme Court to reject the use of air permits to regulate greenhouse emissions. The federal Environmental Protection Agency had attempted to expand its own regulatory authority with expansive new permitting requirements to limit greenhouse gases, even though the U.S. Congress had never granted that authority.
WMC Vice President Scott Manley, an environmental policy expert, said:
“Today’s ruling is great news because it rejects the EPA’s expansive use of permits to regulate global warming emissions without the consent of Congress. We live in a nation of laws, and not of bureaucratic whim. The U.S. Supreme Court is to be commended for reigning in the EPA bureaucrats who were regulating outside of their legal authority.”
For Further Information Contact:
Scott Manley, (608) 258-3400