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WMC Praises Governor's Executive Order Protecting Wisconsinites From Costly New EPA Regulations

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Scott Manley, (608) 258-3400


WMC Praises Governor’s Executive Order Protecting Wisconsinites From Costly New EPA Regulations

Decisive Action from Governor Walker will Protect Middle Class Jobs


MADISON – Today, Governor Walker issued Executive Order #186, prohibiting state government from developing a state implementation plan to comply with the Federal Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. In response, WMC’s Senior Vice President of Government Relations, Scott Manley, released the following statement:
“Implementing the Clean Power Plan in Wisconsin would kill middle class jobs, and take billions of dollars out of the pockets of Wisconsin families. Fortunately, Attorney General Brad Schimel has been leading the charge against this rule in court and recently obtained a complete stay from the Supreme Court of the United States while the litigation moves forward.
Governor Walker’s decisive action today ensures that Wisconsin families and businesses will be protected from this misguided rule while courts weigh in on its legality.
Wisconsin job creators thank Governor Walker and Attorney General Schimel for all they are doing to protect Wisconsinites from this illegal new regulation.”






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