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WMC Praises Senate for Passing Right to Work Legislation

Assembly Should Swiftly Send Bill to Gov. Walker for Signature
MADISON – The Wisconsin Senate took a huge step towards improving the business climate and improving workplace freedom by passing Right to Work legislation, WMC said Wednesday. WMC is the state’s chamber of commerce.
Click here for a WMC Video News Release regarding Right to Work.
“Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald deserves the highest praise for his visionary leadership and courage for passing Right to Work in the Senate,” said WMC Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley. “Every Senator who voted yes voted to improve our business climate and provide freedom for workers to keep their job without coercion.”
The Right to Work bill now goes to the Assembly, where a hearing will be held early next week and the bill sent to the floor. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) has said he expects the Assembly will vote on the bill next week, and pass it and send it to Governor Scott Walker. Walker issued a statement saying he will sign Right to Work legislation if it reaches his desk.
“The Assembly needs to move swiftly to advance the bill to the Governor,” Manley said. “Right to Work states consistently grow jobs and wages faster than forced-union states. This bill will send another signal to the world that Wisconsin is indeed open for business.”
Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) and Vos brought the Legislature into extraordinary session on Monday to take up Right to Work legislation. In 2011, the Legislature and the Governor enacted Right to Work for government unions in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin would become the 25th state in the nation to pass private sector Right to Work legislation. In recent years, Indiana and Michigan passed Right to Work laws.
“We need to be competitive with our industrial competitors in the Upper Midwest,” Manley said. “When businesses look to grow, or relocate, they seek out Right to Work states and Wisconsin needs to be on the list for new jobs.”
Click below for links to the WMC Video News Release regarding Right to Work.
      Click here to play on YouTube.
      Click here to download from Dropbox.
Click here for WMC testimony on Right to Work.





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