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WMC Small Business Committee Chair Testifies in Support of Regulatory Reform Bill

MADISON – Yesterday, WMC Small Business Committee Chair Aaron Powell testified in support of Assembly Bill (AB) 251, regulatory reform legislation authored by Rep. Adam Neylon (R-Pewaukee) and Sen. Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg). This bill reforms the administrative rules process to ensure more oversight and added involvement for regulated industries.
“Businesses of all sizes need regulatory certainty to grow and create jobs in our state,” said Powell. “This legislation is yet another step forward to ensure state regulations are narrowly crafted and based on proper statutory authority – it is a truly a common sense pro-business reform.”
Scott Manley, WMC Vice President of Government Relations, added “We have made some great progress in creating a pro-growth regulatory environment in Wisconsin over the past several years and AB 251 is another important step toward making Wisconsin the most competitive state in the nation to do business. A special thanks to Rep. Neylon and Sen. LeMahieu for their work to support job creation.”
AB 251 now awaits a vote from the Assembly Committee on State Affairs and Government Operations before it goes to the full Assembly.





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