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WMC Statement On Right To Work Extraordinary Session

Freedom is About to Break Out in Our Workplaces
MADISON – In the wake of the Legislative leadership announcing an extraordinary session next week to pass Right to Work Legislation, WMC President/CEO Kurt R. Bauer called for swift passage of the common sense reform aimed at creating workplace freedom. Governor Scott Walker’s spokeswoman today said Walker will sign the bill if it reaches his desk.
“The Legislature needs to move swiftly to pass Right to Work to provide freedom for workers and to improve our business climate. Let’s get this bill to the Governor’s desk so he can sign it. Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos deserve the highest praise for moving expeditiously to pass Right to Work into law,” Bauer said.
Fitzgerald and Vos announced that they will ask the Legislature to call itself into extraordinary session next week to pass Right to Work swiftly. Right to Work prohibits the firing of workers who do not pay union dues.
WMC, the state’s chamber of commerce, supports Right to Work.
For Further Information Contact:
Kurt R. Bauer, 608.258.3400
Scott Manley, 608.258.3400





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