Reform Requires Legislature to OK Regs Costing More Than $10 Million
Madison – WMC, the state’s chamber of commerce, urged the Legislature to approve a major regulatory reform proposal that requires the Legislature to approve any regulation that would cost more than $10 million to implement.
WMC Small Business Committee Chairman Aaron Powell, of Reedsburg, told the Joint Committee for the Review of Administrative Rules that small businesses need to be protected from bureaucratic regulations, and it is essential that the Legislature have the final word on the most expensive rules. The reform is AB 251/SB 168.
“Small businesses are constantly burdened with new regulations and more complex regulations that make it harder to operate, make a profit and create jobs in our state,” Powell said. “This is a common sense reform that needs to pass both houses of the Legislature and be sent to Governor Scott Walker for his signature.”
WMC supports the proposal along with a broad coalition of business groups. Click here for a letter of support.
“Small businesses will benefit from making sure the Legislature serves as a check on the regulatory zeal of state agencies,” Powell said.
The bill is modeled after the federal REINS Act, and would add transparency and elected official oversight to the process of writing new state regulations. Previously, the Legislature passed a law to allow the Governor to veto new agency regulations, similar to the Governor’s veto power over legislative bills.
“This is part of a broad effort to improve our business climate for all businesses.” Powell said.
For Further Information Contact:
Scott Manley, (608) 258-3400