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Stop Costly Regulations, WMC Tells Federal Agency Head

MADISON – The state’s largest business and industry advocate has a message for the head of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when she visits Madison this week: Stop the regulations that are driving up costs on Wisconsin employers and delaying an economic recovery.

“Federal laws, policies and proposals are by far the biggest cause of uncertainty for Wisconsin businesses,” said Kurt R. Bauer, president/CEO of Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC). He defined uncertainty as a lack of confidence in the economy caused by factors beyond a business’ control.

Bauer said a litany of proposed new or expanded EPA regulations will drive up energy costs for Wisconsin businesses at the worst possible time. EPA’s war on coal hits Wisconsin harder than other states because nearly 70 percent of the energy we use for residential, commercial and industrial use comes from coal fired plants.

Pending EPA rules include the Industrial Boiler MACT Rule, Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), Utility MACT Rule, Proposed New Ozone Standard and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) regulations.

The Boiler MACT Rule alone threatens to force the shut down of 11 paper mills in Wisconsin at the cost of up to 7,500 jobs by forcing the companies to pay over $400 million to comply with the rule.

“People need to understand that these rules will not just slow job growth in Wisconsin,” Bauer said. “They will almost certainly cost existing Wisconsin jobs because they will substantially increase the cost of doing business for employers.” Bauer made the comments in response to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s planned visit to the UW-Madison Campus on Tuesday.

Bauer urged the U.S. Congress to approve a regulatory moratorium proposed by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and U.S. Representative Reid Ribble (R-Appleton).

For Further Information Contact:
Kurt R. Bauer, (608) 258-3400
Scott Manley, (608) 209-0568





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