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WMC Hails Swift Legislative Approval of Regulation Reform

MADISON Wisconsin’s job creation prospects will improve with the passage of a comprehensive regulation reform bill approved by the Legislature, WMC said Friday.

“Wisconsin’s business climate and job creation will improve with the passage of these regulation reforms,” said James A. Buchen, WMC vice president of government relations. “Time and time again, business executives in Wisconsin say that regulations are among their top business problems.”

The reforms were introduced at the request of Governor Scott Walker as part of the special session on job creation. “Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald deserve tremendous credit for guiding this critical bill through the Legislature,” Buchen said. “The authors and supporters of the bill have taken an important step to keep Wisconsin workers employed.”

Under the proposal passed by the Senate Thursday, new regulations could not be created by state agencies without the approval of Wisconsin’s governor.

“This is a modest reform that establishes accountability in the executive branch of government,” Buchen said. “A governor is the CEO of the state, and should have final sign off on new regulations that affect our lives, our businesses, and our futures.”

The proposal also includes restricting rule making authority, cost-benefit analysis requirements and allowing rules to be challenged in any county in the state.

State CEOs said the state’s business regulations are out of line, hamper job creation, and are in need of major reforms, according to a new survey released by WMC.

“The survey clearly shows these reforms are needed and welcome,” Buchen said. “Our families will benefit as jobs are created as businesses are empowered to grow and expand.”

James A. Buchen or Scott Manley, (608) 258-3400





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