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WMC Employer Coalition Submits Memo in Opposition to Legislation that Would Raise Health Care Costs

In February 2022, a WMC employer coalition made up of Wisconsin businesses concerned about health care costs, submitted a memo to the Assembly Committee on Health to oppose the passage of AB 718 / SB 753. This legislation would ban white-bagging, an important tool that slows and even sometimes reduces health care costs for employers while maintaining quality health care for their employees and their employees’ families.

Employers are committed to providing quality health care, but rising health care costs could jeopardize the affordability of employer-provided health care coverage for employees and their families. The Wisconsin business community urges the legislature not to pass this bill. Businesses are already overwhelmed with government-mandated rules and regulations without another obstacle preventing them from providing affordable and quality health care to their employees.

Read the full memo here.




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