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WMC and Labor Leaders Testify in Support of Worker’s Compensation Reform
WMC’s Senior Policy Director Rachel Ver Velde testified in support of two bills to reform the Worker’s Compensation system in Wisconsin. LRB-5292/P3 and LRB-5293/P2 were

Biden EPA’s New Air Standard is Devastating to Manufacturing and the Economy
MADISON – President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the PM2.5 rule on Wednesday that would make significant changes to National Ambient Air Quality

WMC Supports Decoupling Parental Choice Programs and Independent Charters from the School Funding Formula
Recently introduced legislation would decouple parental choice programs and independent charters from the school funding formula, reducing the complexity of school funding and providing tax

WMC Testifies to Rein in Raising Taxes by Gubernatorial Veto
Evan Umpir, WMC’s General Counsel & Director of Tax, testified in support of a state constitutional amendment that would prevent a governor from raising a

WMC and WMC Litigation Center Celebrate Court’s Decision to Strike Down Illegal Transportation Tax
MADISON – On Wednesday, the Court of Appeals struck down the Village of Pewaukee’s transportation utility fee, confirming the charge is an illegal tax. Wisconsin

33 Wisconsin Associations Urge Worker’s Compensation Reform
Letter to lawmakers calls for Medical Fee Schedule MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce – the combined state chamber and manufacturers’ association – was joined