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ICYMI: Stoughton Trailers Founder Don Wahlin Shares Secrets to Success at Manufacturing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Wahlin Named as 80th Inductee, Praises Manufacturing MADISON – Don Wahlin, founder of Stoughton Trailers, was formally inducted into the Wisconsin Manufacturing Hall of Fame
Business Day in Madison will take place on Thursday, October 19, 2024 at the Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center. This event brings business leaders from all over the state together to discuss important issues facing the business community and our state. We invite you to attend what is certain to be an insightful program.
WMC's Latest Employer Survey
A new survey of Wisconsin businesses previewed a slow economic start to 2024, as only one-fifth of employers have a positive view of the state’s economy. According to the Wisconsin Employer Survey, 22 percent of businesses rank the Wisconsin economy as strong, which is a significant drop from 39 percent just six months ago and a steady decline from 58 percent in the Summer 2021 survey.
However, the national economy performs even worse with only 10 percent rating it as strong and 28 percent saying it is weak – up from 18 percent one year ago. This abysmal rating of the national economy is actually lower than the 12 percent of Wisconsin employers who rated the U.S. economy as strong in the Summer 2020 survey, which was taken during the economic shutdowns that occurred in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Customized On-Site Training
Customized Training Services 1. Occupational Safety Consulting Services We offer a broad range of services to meet all your safety needs. Our assessments provide an
Joint Business Group Statement on DNR Silica Decision
Following is a statement released jointly by Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC), the Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin (APW) and the Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association (WTBA)
WMC Lauds Assembly Passage of Iron Mining Reform Bill
MADISON – The state’s largest business group Friday lauded Assembly Republicans for passing needed iron mining reforms and urged the Senate to pass the plan,
Wisconsin Business Coalition Supports Iron Mining Reform
Note to Wisconsin Reporters and Editors: A broad coalition of business groups today urged Assembly passage of iron mining reforms contained in AB 426. Please