Madison – Today, the WMC Foundation recognized Empire Screen Printing, Inc. as one of nine recipients of this year’s Business Friend of the Environment Awards (BFOE).
With the creation of a Green Committee, Empire earned their Wisconsin Green Tier 1 Certification and created a functional Environmental Management System where objectives include the implementation of a recycling program, sustainable printing methods, equipment monitoring, EMS training and a centralized location for all environmental documentation.
“Empire Screen Printing, Inc. provides their customers with products and services that produce sustainable results and business practices, and empower their employees to continually make improvements to the process, their work environment and themselves” said Lucas Vebber, WMC Director of Environmental & Energy Policy.
For the 27th year in a row, the WMC Foundation is recognizing companies with the 2016 Wisconsin Business Friend of the Environment Award. This year, a total of nine winners have been chosen for programs that demonstrate an innovative approach to environmental protection, or a level of effort beyond that which is required by regulatory compliance. These success stories reflect the continued commitment of Wisconsin industry to environmental protection.
This year’s award winners represent companies – both large and small – that have made significant improvements in the areas of sustainability, environmental stewardship and environmental innovation. Offering specific examples of successful programs, these winners demonstrate that sound environmental practices are good for Wisconsin’s environment and its economy. They serve as important examples for industry.
The 2016 Wisconsin Business Friend of the Environment award winners were selected from a pool of 32 nominees by an independent judging panel that includes an environmental attorney, as well as representatives from industry, the Department of Natural Resources, and the University of Wisconsin.
Lucas Vebber, 608-661-6910