WMC Jobs for Generations Act Statewide Radio
Wisconsin residents need to speak out in support of the “Jobs for Generations Act” to help start clean iron mining near Hurley and create thousands of jobs statewide, WMC announced Tuesday.
WMC launched a statewide radio ad campaign today urging passage of the “Jobs for Generations Act.” The proposal will create an iron mining regulation to allow the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to begin the in-depth review and approval process for the iron mine near Hurley. The “Jobs for Generations Act” requires the mine to be operated safely, and in an environmentally responsible manner.
“Construction of the mine will create nearly 2,000 jobs and it will employ up to 1,400 once it is operating,” said Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO. “The Jobs for Generations Act is needed to help get this project moving. Northwest Wisconsin needs the jobs, and our entire state needs the jobs that will be created as the mine operates for nearly 100 years.”
Statewide ad
Cowles ad
Darling ad
Harsdorf ad
Hopper/Olsen ad
Kapanke ad
Jobs for Generations Act Briefing Paper