Small Business
WMC is Wisconsin’s business voice, representing employers of every size and from every corner of the state. WMC also knows that small businesses face big challenges. That is why WMC places a high priority on fighting for small businesses throughout Wisconsin.
Small Business Committee
WMC’s Small Business Committee holds quarterly meetings to allow committee members to hear from legislators, agency representatives and elected officials on issues that directly impact their business. The committee is made up of small business owners from every sector of the state’s economy and from all across Wisconsin. The committee provides an opportunity for employers to network and engage with other business owners facing similar challenges while learning from each other’s experiences and providing input on WMC’s legislative agenda.

Small Business Committee Meetings
- Wednesday, March 16 – 10:00am to 1:00pm – Location: WMC, Madison
- Wednesday, May 25 – 10:00am to 1:00pm – Location: To Be Announced
- Wednesday, October 19 – 7:30am to 8:45am – Location: Monona Terrace, Madison
- Wednesday, December 7 – Location: WMC, Madison
For more information, please contact Mallory Wipperman.
Small Business
WMC is committed to making sure the voice of small business is heard at the State Capitol. Throughout the legislative cycle, the Small Business Committee provides input to WMC on its legislative agenda. In addition to helping create a road map for WMC to take to policymakers, committee members also have the chance to testify at public hearings and directly impact bills before they become law.

Small Business Saturday
Each year, WMC celebrates Small Business Saturday the weekend following Thanksgiving. Small Business Saturday reminds people about the small businesses in their community. It also gives Wisconsinites the opportunity to support these local employers and their employees. WMC strongly encourages people to remember Wisconsin’s small businesses throughout the year, but to celebrate their hard work on Small Business Saturday.
Businesses looking to get more involved with Small Business Saturday can learn more by visiting the U.S. Small Business Administration.

If you would like to learn more about our stance or have questions, contact Wade Goodsell, WMC’s COO & Vice President of Membership and Partnerships.
Small Business
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