Transportation & Infrastructure
Wisconsin is a national leader for manufacturing, tourism and agriculture. We need a safe, robust and reliable transportation infrastructure to support these key sectors of our economy. The following items will help ensure that Wisconsin’s transportation infrastructure is well-positioned to meet the needs of businesses and consumers.
Transportation & Infrastructure
Adequately fund mega and major road projects throughout the state to keep their completion schedules on time.
Ensure there is adequate funding to continue to repair or rebuild economically vital bridges and roads.
We cannot support our state transportation needs without the necessary levels of revenue to do so. WMC will support a modest passenger vehicle registration fee increase, as well as revenue enhancements that account for the use of electric vehicles on our roads. WMC will oppose an increase in the gas tax and indexing it to inflation, industry-specific tax/fee increases, and a general toll program or toll pilot programs.
Clarify that Wisconsin’s railroad related grant funds can be used as matching dollars for federal grants to fully leverage federal funds for railroad infrastructure development, including the establishment of intermodal container facilities and the protection of key freight rail corridors from abandonment.
Provide appropriate state and federal funding to keep our airports and ports on the Great Lakes and Mississippi open to commercial activity.
Transportation revenue must be spent as wisely as possible. Identify areas where costs can be reduced in the construction, delivery or maintenance of state transportation facilities without compromising the safety of the traveling public. Federalize environmental exemptions for highway construction and adopt “practical design” standards.
Local governments are illegally creating “transportation utilities” and charging “transportation utility fees” to circumvent property tax levy limits and further shift the tax burden onto businesses. Current law does not allow for the creation of such utilities, but the Legislature should act to clarify that local transportation utilities are illegal.
Wisconsin has stricter weight limits than many of its Midwestern neighbors. Increasing the maximum weight limit beyond 80,000 pounds will help keep Wisconsin businesses competitive, reduce the number of trucks on Wisconsin roads, and ease the burdens imposed by the national driver shortage and electronic logging regulations.
As electric vehicles (EVs) grow in prevalence on Wisconsin’s and the nation’s roads, government should allow the private sector to drive adoption of new technologies and sources of energy. WMC promotes market-driven decisions for the allocation of federal EV infrastructure funds and identifying needs and will oppose state or local government owned or subsidized EV charging operations.
Many aspects of transportation development and design can and should be done by private sector consultants and engineers. State government should reduce costs by utilizing private businesses to do design, project management and construction work instead of government employees. Letting projects to provide the greatest opportunity for Wisconsin businesses to compete should also be best practice.
To foster economic development and e-commerce, as well as expand educational opportunities, Wisconsin should encourage the deployment of broadband services in underserved areas without providing taxpayer subsidized competition against the private sector. Oppose unnecessarily costly, complex or burdensome regulations that complicate broadband expansion.
To view all the bills WMC is registered on, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about our stance on criminal justice and legal reform or have questions, contact Evan Umpir, WMC’s Director of Tax, Transportation & Legal Affairs.
Transportation & Infrastructure
Latest Updates

WMC Advocates for Capping Nuclear Verdicts
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WMC Supports Expanding Overweight Load DOT Permit Regulations
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