February 10, 2011 – WMC Transportation Committee Meeting
1 p.m. Call to Order
Introductions – R.J. Pirlot, WMC Representative
1:05 p.m. Discussion Topics:
- Freight Rail. R.J. Pirlot and John Varda will continue our discussion regarding promoting our freight rail agenda vis-à-vis the Wisconsin Central Group.
- STB Docket on Railroad Industry Competition. John Varda and R.J. Pirlot will discuss a recently-opened Surface Transportation Board docket in which it will receive comments and hold a public hearing to “explore the current state of competition in the railroad industry and possible policy alternatives to facilitate more competition, where appropriate.”
- HOS and EOBR Rules. John Varda will review HOS rule and EOBR mandate and whether this would be a good educational project for the Wisconsin Safety Council.
- Counsel’s Report
- WMC Staff Report