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Governor Walker Faces Recall!

May 1, 2012
On Monday, WMC took to the airwaves to defend Wisconsin’s future! Click here to view WMC’s new TV ad.
Thanks to all WMC members who have so generously supported our issue advocacy fund drives to defend the pro-growth policies of Governor Scott Walker and the Legislature. Your support will keep Wisconsin moving forward!
That’s why WMC has launched a $2 million television ad campaign to deliver the truth to the public about Governor Walker’s record.
The record is remarkable, but the government unions are distorting the truth with over $4 million in advertising against the Governor. We will be on the air through the recall election of June 5 to counter their efforts.
Governor Walker and the Legislature conquered a $3.6 billion deficit, cut taxes, controlled spending, rolled back red tape and clamped down on lawsuit abuse. It’s a record of accomplishment that is getting national attention as we work together to improve our business climate.
WMC’s most recent polling found Governor Walker with a strong base of support, and he is outpolling the two leading Democrat candidates. But, that could turn around as the government unions and their allies – angered by the collective bargaining reforms – attack Governor Walker with a non-stop barrage of negative TV ads.
We cannot let that happen.
Right now, WMC is being outspent by the unions who want to take Wisconsin backward.
Please, if you have already given, please dig a little deeper. If you have not given, please click on this link and make a pledge now.
On June 5, the people of Wisconsin will decide if we are moving forward or not.
What will our state look like on June 6? The future is in your hands. Write a check to WMC IMC today, or click here to make a pledge.
Thank you.
Related Material:
Get the Facts About Governor Walker’s Reforms: Employee Education Materials!
Setting the Record Straight on Wisconsin Job Creation
WMC Launches TV Ad Campaign (view issue ads)
Wisconsin State Journal: WMC makes $2 million ad purchase to promote Walker
Governor Walker’s Record: Delivering for Business!

Paid for by WMC Issues Mobilization Council, Inc. WMC IMC is a special fund established by Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce to deliver the business message and promote grassroots activity to support the business agenda. WMC IMC is organized under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Corporate contributions are accepted and kept confidential. There are no contribution limits under law. WMC IMC issue advocacy does not expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, as defined by the U.S. Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Supreme Court. (Buckly v. Valeo/Wisconsin State Elections Board v. WMC Issues Mobilization Council, Inc.) It is our understanding that your financial support for WMC IMC is an unrestricted, general support grant and is not earmarked or targeted support for any specific WMC IMC activity.




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