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Autumn Safety on the Lakeshore Session Descriptions

Breakout session descriptions


Opening: The Energized Approach for Achieving a Safe, Healthy and Productive Workplace
Those in a position of responsibility for safety are often faced with the monumental task of “implementing change”, “getting people on board” and “energizing the workplace.” All of these can be daunting, time consuming and energy draining activities unless they are done in a way that actually generates energy from everyone involved. The Energized Approach by Michael Melnik was created to “generate and capture” the energy needed for the success of any program or initiative. Imagine the energy that can be generated in a work environment where employees purposefully try to get caught “doing something safely” rather than hiding an unsafe behavior. Imagine the energy created when an employee has a positive response when invited to a safety meeting rather than responding with “Is it mandatory?” And imagine the energy that becomes available when an employee thanks a manager or supervisor for demonstrating a genuine concern about his or her safety. In this session Michael introduces the 10 essential energy sources and demonstrates how energy can be harnessed through the use of The Energized Approach.
Closing: Safeguarding Wisconsin’s Economic and Technological Future
Special Agent Franz will speak about the threats against Wisconsin’s corporate, academic, and governmental institutions from computer intrusion, insiders, visitors to facilities, foreign travel, and recruitment by competitors and foreign governments. He will stress the importance of forming public-private partnerships to successfully combat these risks.

Track 1 (Basic/Intermediate)

OSHA Update
Learn what OSHA is working on to improve worker safety in Wisconsin. This session will include an update on GHS and National Emphasis Programs that may affect your business. Ask OSHA questions about their focused efforts as well as other questions you may have.
Safety Assessment/Auditing
Presentation will provide an overview of Alliant Energy’s safety assessment process with a focus on local management support and buy-in. The presentation will also explain the safety assessment report and abatement tracking process, which is managed using common Microsoft software.
Energized Approach Part II
Learn from how being Energized about what you do changes everything! When an Energized approach is used to implement safety programs, new safety concepts or ideas it promotes buy-in and makes it much easier to create change in your organization. Learn ways to use the Energized Approach in your company today by attending this interactive and exciting safety educational session.

Track 2 (Safety Advanced)

Zero is Achievable and How!
Learn how Johnsonville Sausage is achieving Zero in an industry that generally has a higher injury frequency rates. You will learn about a culture that supports a safety management system and creates an environment where ZERO is not only a goal but is being achieved.
General Liability – Hitting the Bottom Line
One of the biggest issues facing employers today is the safety of their employees. Keeping workers safe on the job is a given, but doing so can also help you save money in the long run. You can learn how to make safety benefit your bottom line. We will discuss how accidents, illnesses, and property and liability claims can impact your company’s bottom line. You will learn some ideas and tips on how to improve jobsite safety so that you can reduce injuries and claims – and thus save money while also keeping your employees safe from harm. You will learn how to implement safety and risk management systems to reduce workplace injuries and common liability claims.
Advanced Ergonomics-Workstation Design and the Aging Worker
Your employees come in all shapes and sizes. These physical characteristics, in combination with age, medical conditions, lifestyle and other individual factors influence the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Every company wants to eliminate these injuries but how do you get an ergonomics program to do it? Learn about the advantages of improving ergonomics for your team, how to use simple ergonomic evaluation tools to identify areas for improvement, solutions to common barriers, risk reduction techniques, and other elements to create a comprehensive ergonomics program.

Track 3 (Environmental & Human Resources)

Don’t Be a Victim of Workplace Violence
Being a victim of harassment or workplace violence is not part of your job! Workplace violence is a serious issue that affects all business sectors and occupations and the safety and security of every employee and employer. Wherever people interact at work there is a potential for violence, harassment, or bullying; regardless of the job. This session is designed to educate those interested in workplace safety develop a clear understanding of what workplace violence is, the consequences of workplace violence and harassment, and preventive measures that can be taken.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, became so true when a local Johnsonville Sausage facility caught fire on May 11, 2015. Learn how Johnsonville Sausage was impacted by a loss of a facility, how it affected the overall business, learning about what happened right after the fire that could help you in the event of an unexpected facility emergency and loss. Learn about the value of business continuity planning and the benefit of having strong relationships with the community, insurance carriers and other support groups. Turning a tragedy into one of the best Johnsonville Way stories in company history.

Track 4 (Extended Classes)

First Aid/CPR Certification
First Aid & Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP/Universal Precautions) – This basic First Aid course covers everything you need to know about providing first aid for any age of victim. The course covers scene safety, initial assessment of an emergency, universal precautions, the risks and types of infectious diseases contracted through exposure, proper use of safeguards to prevent exposure, proper methods of handling potential contaminants, first aid procedures for bleeding, burns, broken bones and a variety of other medical, injury or environmental emergencies. Adult CPR & AED – This course covers everything you need to know about providing basic CPR techniques to adult victims and curriculum on adult responsive victims with a foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO, or choking). It also is designed to build competence and confidence in Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use and provide maintenance and program guidance for facilities with AEDs. Main course elements include recognition of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) or heart emergency & definition of defibrillation, Basic Life Support (BLS) overview, scene safety, initial assessment & emergency notification plan, moving a victim, preparing the victim & AED operation.

Additional Session

In order to have an effective business today, employees must perform at their best. Leaders, Managers and Supervisors are the key to a business’s success. They must know how and when to prioritize and must have the know-how to help employees do their job right, on time, and safely. This panel will share their views on what good leadership must be like in order to achieve the results needed to be competitive. The goal is to create a happier and more loyal team of employees who perform at their best to get results.




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