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Study – Wisconsin Hospital Costs among Highest in Country

A study published this week from Rand Corporation revealed Wisconsin’s hospital prices are the fifth highest in the country, relative to Medicare costs.

The report compiled data from hospitals from across the country from 2020 to 2022, finding patients from Wisconsin paid more than three times the Medicare rate, the fifth highest in the country.

“It’s very concerning, not only for patients, but for our employers, who are trying to provide quality affordable health care for their employees,” said Rachel Ver Velde, the Associate Vice President of Government Relations for Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

Ver Velde says that burden shouldn’t fall on the ones who need care.

“There’s no reason that employers and privately insured individuals should have to be making up for low reimbursement costs. If they have a problem with low reimbursement costs, they should go to the government and have that conversation with them,” she said.

She adds the best way to create progress on the issue is to demand transparency from hospitals.

Click here to watch the interview.
