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WMC: Budget Surplus Should be Returned to Taxpayers

MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) called for substantial tax relief following positive numbers being released from the state’s non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB). According to LFB, Wisconsin will take in $818 million more than budgeted by June 30, 2021.

While over $400 million will be transferred to the state’s rainy day fund, WMC is calling on legislators to return the rest of the surplus back to the people of Wisconsin.

Following the announcement from LFB, WMC Executive Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley released the following statement:

“Reforms at the state and federal level have once again showed that when you get government out of the way, the economy prospers and tax collections increase. The return on reform continues today, and pro-growth policymakers deserve immense credit for this new surplus.

“Wisconsin must continue this pattern and return the surplus back to hard-working taxpayers. WMC and its members call on the legislature and governor to cut taxes with these funds. It is the people’s money, and they should get it back in their pocketbooks.”




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