MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) – the combined state chamber, manufacturers’ association and safety council – launched a new initiative on Thursday to protect the business community from government entities that have overstepped their authority.
In support of WMC’s mission to make Wisconsin the most competitive state in the nation to do business, the WMC Litigation Center will represent the organization in legal actions to foster and protect the free enterprise system.
“As employers look to grow the economy, hire new workers and increase wages, they sometimes face governmental overreach,” said WMC President & CEO Kurt Bauer. “The Litigation Center will be a crucial part of our efforts to improve Wisconsin’s business climate.”
Working on behalf of the business community and the public, the WMC Litigation Center’s attorneys will author briefs and file lawsuits in defense of free enterprise, to ensure regulatory certainty and to enforce the separation of powers.
With the launch of the new Center, WMC announced Lucas Vebber would serve as the entity’s Executive Director. Vebber previously served as WMC’s General Counsel and Director of Environmental and Energy Policy. Most recently, he was Deputy Counsel at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.
“Instead of reinvesting in their workforce and expanding, many businesses must put countless hours and large sums of money into complying with laws that governments don’t have the authority to impose in the first place,” added Vebber. “Our work at the WMC Litigation Center will protect these businesses and push back at illegal government overreach.”
Prior to the official launch of the WMC Litigation Center, the organization’s attorneys have already sent numerous letters to local governments that have enacted or attempted to enact unlawful orders related to COVID-19. Additionally, they filed non-party briefs in multiple cases, including: Lowes Home Centers, LLC v. Village of Plover and Tavern League of Wisconsin, Inc., et al. v. Angela Palm, et al.
WMC Foundation will also be expanding its informational and educational programming relating to litigation. It will be tracking cases important to the business community, providing research on legal issues of importance to the business community and putting on educational programs to increase awareness.
More information about the WMC Litigation Center can be found at